Sunday 19 July 2009

Joseph Kahn


Kahn is of Korean American ancestry. He spent part of his childhood growing up in Livorno, Italy until his family moved to Texas. After graduating from Jersey Village High School in 1990, Kahn went to New York University's Tisch School of the Arts. He later dropped out after one year to direct music videos.

In 1999, Kahn started his own production company, Supermega, which is now housed under HSI Productions.

Kahn also directed the 2003 action film Torque starring Ice Cube. In May 2007 it was announced that he would direct a $70 million adaptation of William Gibson's science fiction classic, Neuromancer for producer Peter Hoffman.

[edit] Filmography

  • Torque (2004) (Director)
  • Neuromancer (2009) (Director)

And this month he will be in empire magazine talking about rubberduckzilla , augmented reality and 50's 60's gorror movies ... so go check it out

Monday 15 June 2009

So the sun will be joining forces with Oasis drink to bring you round to the idea of Augmented reality .. i have spoken allot about this new technology and can see now that it is definately the future ...

So pick up a copy of the sun and use the AR code on

you'll love it


Tuesday 26 May 2009

Agmented reality - my view

Augmented Reality

This is the video of the new rubberduckzilla web page whihc will show you how to use augmented reality.

Monday 2 March 2009

Vlog Again

Ok , so as i just posted the last i have found this new text from an educational establishment site... ok so its good , surprisingly good :)

here it is ..

What is it?
A videoblog, or vlog, is a Web log (blog) that uses video rather
than text or audio as its primary media source. Cell phones
equipped with cameras, digital cameras that can record short
video sequences, or inexpensive video cameras equipped with
microphones make it easy to acquire the raw material of a videoblog.
Videoblogs are usually accompanied by text or still
images, and some vlogs include metadata (data that describe
the content of a file, such as keywords) to further annotate the
site. Digital video-editing software allows videobloggers to cut
and paste sequences and integrate audio (background music,
special effects, and so forth). Like a text blog, a videoblog is
updated regularly, typically includes personal reflections, often
contains comments on other sites, and offers a simple mechanism
for subscription and delivery through RSS feeds.
Videoblogging offers a richer Web experience than text blogging
because it combines movies, sound, still images, and text,
increasing the information—and potentially emotions—shared
with users. Rich media allow authors to explore new ways of
communicating—many videobloggers believe that video allows
more natural expression than writing.
Who’s doing it?
Videobloggers have followed in the footsteps of bloggers and
podcasters, extending their posts to include video segments
rather than just text. Because new technologies make images
and video easy to produce, anyone with a digital camera or camera-
equipped cell phone and an Internet service provider (ISP)
can create a videoblog. Videoblogging is attracting people who
want to share commentary, stories, and opinions in video format.
Some videobloggers maintain blogs; others reject blogging
because it limits their expression but are captivated by the richness
and capabilities of vlogging.
Videoblogs represent a new, relatively untested instructional
technology tool. Faculty and students are beginning to include
videoblogs in collaborative class and research activities, and
some academic disciplines see videoblogs as a natural fit for
their needs. For example, anthropologists and ethnographers
are using rich-media blogging to try to capture the essence of
their subjects.

This explains quite a bit to be honest .. vlogging is a new phenom.. interesting?

Blogs or Vlogs

Ok, so its been a while now since my last post (sorry). I will go through all what ive been doing over the last week or so .. as easy as possible ;)

This time I have been doing a bit of research into blogging , but more on the side of a new phenomenon Vlogging.

Vlogging is:

'Video blogging, sometimes shortened to vlogging or vidblogging is a form of blogging for which the medium is video. Entries are made regularly and often combine embedded video or a video link with supporting text, images, and other metadata.'

ok, so a bit complicated when said like this. To put it in easier context. Vlogging is just a video of you chatting or conversing a subject. Much easier huh!!

One of the most popular Vloggers at the moment on , for example,
is a young lady by the name of Boxxy, she talks about her life about what she's been up to and just talks about her everyday life.

you can check her Vlog on the link here. Boxxy has recieved over 3 million views since opneing her youtube account which was on 9th January'09 . within less than 3 months she has accumulated vast popularity for her wacky chats and her over zelous movements. Is this the future of blogging?

Anyways apart from all this I found that youtube can not only help with Vlogging but interactions within game recording. E.g World of warcraft raid films, usually filmed using software such as Fraps and gamecam.

Below is one such video :

Haha random eh ... interactions whether vlogging , blogging or videos .. the internet is the new means of all communication.

Tuesday 17 February 2009

First post

Over the next few weeks I will be talking you through my development and advancement within my Digital Media Development studies and hopefully improving on what I have learnt using new and previous skills. This blog is a chance to show my progress and to intice people who are not involved with this medium to stand up and have a go.

DMD, is, as refered to by Brighton University:

"This course is aimed at the future developer of multimedia systems, from websites to computer games and interactive TV programmes."

They also refer to what you will learn and achieve throughout the course. A small snippet of what is in store is as follows:

"Students learn how to design the content and structure of complex multimedia systems using a wide variety of industry standard tools including Flash, Director, Photoshop, 3D Studio Max and Dreamweaver. They develop skills in creating a range of resources - image, sound, animation, video, 3D and interactive elements - and learn how to assemble them into engaging, usable and useful products and services. By the end of the course students are competent in using the latest technologies to develop innovative digital media products."

For more information check out the CMIS site at.

University of Brighton - CMIS